World Student Advisors

Online Business School Undergraduate

Study for a UK hybrid undergraduate degree Study the equivalent of year one and two online and your final year in the UK

Pursuing a three-year undergraduate degree in the UK is expensive, and the current exchange rates add to the costs. If you study 100% online, you lose the chance to visit the UK, find a good job and the opportunity to bring over your family. Online Business School (OBS) offers you a Hybrid undergraduate degree. You study Levels 4 and 5, the equivalent of years one and two of a UK undergraduate degree online and on completion, you finish your final year in the UK.

Online Business School (OBS)1st & 2nd Years of a 3-Year British Degree online and finish off at a UK University

OBS offers a variety of subjects:

The combined fee for years one and two of a three-year UK degree is £2,900 British pounds. Please use WorldStudentAdvisors 20% discount code: WSA20, and you'll receive an additional £580 cost reduction, bringing your total payment down to just £2,320

Online Business School Undergraduate
Online Business School Undergraduate
Online Business School Undergraduate

For further details, contact:

Glenice Owino, Student Counsellor
UK Headquarters
WhatsApp: +44 745972 0726

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Online Business School Undergraduate
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